This has been a tough week for me (and Michele for that matter). I made 7 trips to Liberty Hill this week for a revival at Fellowship Baptist Church, which went really well. Consequently though, I had several late nights which severely affected both workouts and diet. Monday night, Michele went with me and we got done pretty late (9:30ish) and hadn't had dinner (BIG mistake). Then we decided to run by Taco Bell, which does have some things we can eat on our diet, but at 9:30 at night with an empty stomach who wants to follow a diet. So I had a carb-loaded, high calorie grilled stuffed burrito, and hardly slept at all 'cause (A) I wasn't used to that many carbs in a day and (B) I certainly wasn't used to that many carbs before bed.
Since I didn't sleep well, and neither did Michele we slept in and had to do the Plyo workout separately. That wasn't too bad, but Michele had to do it after she got off work at 8:30 and didn't get to come hang out afterwards. I made another bad dietary mistake by ordering a mocha latte w/ protein late, which not only had a lot of carbs (which I later found out) but also has lots of caffeine, which keeps me up (I know, bad judgment call, but I was interested in the *add protein* special).
I did still manage to get up and do the Shoulder & Arms workout, but I was only running on 5 hours of sleep. Then that night the revival service ran extra long (lots of Spirit moving...), so I was DEAD tired when I finally got to sleep that night.
And I didn't get up the next morning for Yoga. Michele and I decided we'd do it at 8:30 that night, but we were still dead tired then too. So after less than 2 weeks we missed our first workout. We also decided we both needed a little bit of a free day diet-wise 'cause we were both going crazy. So when we did get up, we went to IHOP. I was craving pancakes and, boy, did they taste good. But enough about Thursday, because that was just a bad day.
I HATE working Legs & Back. Not that my heart-rate gets extra high or I can't do the moves (even though I can't), I just don't like working out my legs.
OK. Now that I'm caught up here's today...
Woke up really tired, got up to watch the hurricane reports, decided to workout tonight, went BACK to bed, woke up and had lunch at Whataburger (MAN, my diet's sucked this week), came home did quite a bit of nothing, took care of the car some, had dinner with Michele (Chick-fil-a salad, a little better), came home and dusted, then did more nothing, then did Kenpo and burned over 700 calories in less than an hour (better than running), soaked up the gallon of sweat off my body with a small towel, then sat down to catch up on blogging... I'm going to bed I need to sleep and stretch tomorrow. Good night.
Stationery card
13 years ago
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