So I've almost made it as far in P90X as I did last time. I'm pretty proud of that. I haven't lost much weight (maybe a pound or two at most), but my muscles are much stronger and my clothes seem to be fitting looser. I'm excited about what the next month will hold. I think weight will begin to fall off since my muscles are already some stronger. Plus, I'll be at home for most the next month to work out consistently. As long as I can make it through this recovery week being on the road I'll be fine. I already blew my lower fat intake today with a burger and greasy fries at lunch. Hopefully, we (at least, I) won't be eating out like that everyday this week.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
P90X Version 1.5
So Michele and I started P90X over... again. This time it was almost 2 weeks ago and I thought I'd wait until we were into it to post anything. We did everything like we were starting over: Day 1 Pictures, measurements, etc. So far I feel fantastic. This round I'm determined to complete. I know what's involved and I'm not so overly hard on myself when I miss a workout. My body didn't get this way in a day, and a day of missed exercise isn't going to make it go back. So, while this little blog started off as a P90X blog to track my progress and thoughts about the workouts, I'm not returning it to that. I do however want to point out that I've added a widget to sync-up with my account so everyone can see my latest workout. Haven't done today's workout as of this post, but will do it this evening with Michele.
Posted by James at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: P90X
Saturday, December 20, 2008
New Equipment Kick
So I realized a few months ago that I haven't got any new, regular-use gear (other than Reason upgrades) in like 3 and 1/2 years. The last thing I got was my 5-string J, and that was a gift. So, I thought I was definitely due, and I'm going all out! I spend several weeks pondering over the design of a new road case, which would be by far the largest equipment upgrade. After coming up with lots of cool ideas, I worried how I might convey the aforementioned strokes of genius to someone else. (that someone else is Dan Carson of Dandee Cases who built my last case and has been providing the JCB with a steady stream of new cases lately). So, I decided the best solution was to teach myself how to draw... BUT, I don't have very steady hands, plus there were still too many thinks to cram into a little drawing... So, I taught myself a little bit of Adobe Illustrator and was what I came up with is below. Dan hasn't started on it yet per my request, but I'm REAL excited about it.
My favorite and most recent is yet another gift from my lovely and always supportive wife. I'm absolutely ecstatic about it. It was her Christmas gift to me; it wasn't on my list; and I knew about it before I got it because I had to help her pick out the right one. Now, some might laugh at how silly it might be when I tell you, but I've been wanting one essentially since I got my bass 3.5 years ago. Its... wait for it... let the suspense build... oh wait you've probably already peeked at the pictures... it's a new pickguard. It just makes my 2004ish bass instantly look vintage. Anyway, thank you so much Michele. I think you might already be tired of hearing how much I like it. (who knew a piece of plastic could make me so happy?... oh wait Legos are plastic)


Posted by James at 11:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: Bass gear
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
Don't eat too much... and if you do just sleep it off.
Posted by James at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My first camping experience...
...was canceled due to a fire ban. So I'll have to wait a little longer to get to tackle mother nature.
Speaking of tackle. The Red Raiders aren't holding them. Consequently, the Sooners are up 7-0 in the first quarter. I decided since I had the Texas game on without watching it that I'd do the same for the OU game. So far... no luck. Another post... uh... post game.
Posted by James at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
First time camper
I know, I know. It's been forever since I've blogged.
No more P90X blog. I'm starting over.
So, I get to camping for the first time in my life ever. Somehow I managed in all my life never to really experience the outdoors in a tent. My family went hiking quite a bit when I was growing up, but it was always day trips. Never overnight. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that we were so "city-fied", too comfortable with our comforts of home to do without them for a bit. I think it'll be a lot of fun, even though I'm kinda nervous (not a lot, but just enough to say so).
I am really excited about getting away from things. I might even turn off my iPhone just to be disconnected (*gasp* say it ain't so). So if anyone is wondering why I'm not answering emails or phone calls or texts that's why. (Wait a minute I'm only gonna be gone for 24 hours. If you need to get ahold of me then... just wait. Like the days of yore in good ol' 1990 when only Zach Morris had a cell phone.)
Posted by James at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 29 - No Motivation
So my rest week didn't go at ALL like it was supposed to. With me being gone all but Thursday, I just didn't have any motivation to do the workouts on the road. The Core Synergystics video made me feel like I needed a whole empty room, and I had part of a hotel room with barely enough space to turn over, much less roll in the floor. All I wanted to do was spend time with Michele on Wednesday, so we moved Kenpo to Thursday. But, we still didn't do it. And I couldn't do the Yoga on Saturday, and didn't get home in time to do stretching on Sunday.
Today, I've eaten like crap today (i.e. Kerby Lane pancakes, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and dinner at Gattiland). So consequently, I feel like crap today and still have no motivation to work out. HOWEVER, I did do the Chest, Shoulder, Tri workout. I may not have "brought it", but I still completed it. Maybe a good night's rest and some good food tomorrow will help.
Posted by James at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: P90X